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  1. unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    Administrator -=MaX=-'s Avatar
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    Thumbs up unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    Solutie la eroarea: unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application sau la alte erori de rulare sau instalare a aplicatiei!
    1. Dezinstalati orice versiune de .NET apare in Control Panel la Add/Remove Programs
    2. Descarcati You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! si curatati tot ce tine de .Net
    3. Dupa ce ati curatat windowsul de .Net descarcati si instalati You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    4. Acum instalati You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! sau You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Aceasta solutie este valabila pentru orice aplicatie care ruleaza pe .NET 4!
    Birou Cadastru Maxim - Servicii de topografie, cadastru si intabulare - www.CadastruMaxim.ro
    Thanks BAQES a dat Thanks acetui post
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  2. unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    FCRB's Avatar
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    eu am o erroare la care imi zice "falied to initialize authentication interface. Exiting... "

  3. unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCRB You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    eu am o erroare la care imi zice "falied to initialize authentication interface. Exiting... "
    * STEAM : selectezi steam.exe
    * NonSteam : selectezi hl.exe

    In cazul CS-urilor NonSteam este posibil sa-ti dea acea eroare si pe motiv ca build-ul lor este vechi. Daca-ti da acea eroare dupa ce ai selectat hl.exe, ai 2 solutii:
    1. Pornesti CS-ul normal, fie din shortcut, fie prin hl.exe;
    2. Cauti un CS cu build mai nou.

  4. unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    RazZzvaN's Avatar
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    mie tot imi spune asta : <5><2><2014> 21:25
    Multumim Razvan !
    Redirectionez catre: *************
    Deschid 14 redirecte incepand cu portul: 27015
    Varianta gratuita. La 10 jucatori redirectionati, unul va fi trimis la noi
    Am adaugat porturile la firewall
    Redirecte au fost deschise!
    Nu am putut inscrie portul 27015 in masterul 1 special. Inconectabil sau deja inscris.
    Nu am putut inscrie portul 27016 in masterul 1 special. Inconectabil sau deja inscris.
    Nu am putut inscrie portul 27017 in masterul 1 special. Inconectabil sau deja inscris.

    Cum pot rezolva?

  5. unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application

    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Incercand sa nu mai crezi in redirecte. Redirectele sunt outdated.

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