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  1. [Cerere] Addons [DeathRun]

    Membru - Silver Elite Vladut's. #'s Avatar
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    [Cerere] Addons [DeathRun]

    Addons: DeathRun
    Tip: DeathRun
    Descriere: As dori ceva calumea
    Pluginuri:VIP System, rope, hook, shop, knifem duel, etc.
    Intra pe serverul Rs.WarGods.Ro - Respawn
    Intra pe serverul JB.WarGods.Ro - JailBreak

  2. [Cerere] Addons [DeathRun]

    Membru - Silver III Royce.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vladut's. # You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Addons: DeathRun
    Tip: DeathRun
    Descriere: As dori ceva calumea
    Pluginuri:VIP System, rope, hook, shop, knifem duel, etc.
    Din ce inteleg, ai facut acest topic doar ca sa-ti maresti numarul de posturi create pe forum.
    Cu un mic search pe google poti gasi sute de addons-uri de care doresti tu.
    Acesta ar fi unul care s-ar potrivi cu ce vrei tu, si gasit intr-un singur minut.
    //life motto
    if ( sad() === true ) {
    Like Vladut's. # a dat Like acetui post

  3. [Cerere] Addons [DeathRun]

    Membru - Silver Elite Vladut's. #'s Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Nu, nu vreau sa fac posturi pe forum. Vreau doar un addons care sa fie bestial.
    Intra pe serverul Rs.WarGods.Ro - Respawn
    Intra pe serverul JB.WarGods.Ro - JailBreak

  4. [Cerere] Addons [DeathRun]

    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Sustine Comunitatea WarGods!
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    Uite in addons facut recent: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Contine pluginurile:
    team_join.amxx ; Te baga la echipa CT la conectare.
    DRM_trigger_hurt_fix.amxx ; Pentru pluginul de baza deathrun .
    deathrunmanager.amxx ; Pluginul de baza deathrun.
    use_button_once.amxx ; Terro poate sa apese o singura data pe buton .
    bunnyhop.amxx ; BunnyHop automat pe server
    knife_mod.amxx ; Meniu de cutite .
    allchat.amxx ; Toti vorbesc intre ei + adminii scriu verde .
    amx_slayteam.amxx ; amx_slayteam @CT / @T / @ALL - Da slay la toti.
    connect_exec.amxx ; Plugin binduri .
    speclist.amxx ; Iti arata cine se uita pe tine sus in colt ( dreapta ) .
    ultimele_harti.amxx ; Tastezi in chat /harti si vezi ultimele 5 harti jucate pe server.
    SayRestart.amxx ; Tastezi in chat /restart si dai restart la joc .
    transfer_life.amxx ; Iti transferi viata altui jucator ( /life NUME )
    advanced_gag.amxx ; Amx_gag avansat .
    amx_destroy.amxx ; Plugin pentru codati
    mesaje2.amxx ; Mesaje colorate in chat.
    who2.amxx ; Plugin vezi adminii online .
    resetscore.amxx ; Tastezi /rs /reset /resetscore pentru a-ti reseta scorul .
    steam_slot.amxx ; Toti cu steam pot primi slot dupa 30 de minute jucate.
    admin_player_transfer2.amxx ; Transferi jucatorii direct din chat ( /spec NUME /ct NUME /t NUME )
    ieseterrointract.amxx ; Atunci cand iese terro de la joc baga automat un counter in locul lui .
    plugin_trail.amxx ; O sfoara colorata in spatele tau
    2xcentermsg.amxx ; 2 mesaje sus ( Serverul nostru va ureaza Sarbatorii Fericite ) ..
    admodels.amxx ; Modele adminii prin comanda ( /admodels )
    drduel.amxx ; Cand un ct ramane in viata se poate duela cu teroristul prin comanda ( /duel )
    drvip.amxx ; Meniu vip ( /vmenu )
    goldonline.amxx : Arata un hud in stang ( GoldMembers : )
    invis.amxx ; ( /invis ) Pentru a avea mai mult fps, poti face invizibila apa si playerii
    knife_mod.amxx ; Puteri speciale, gravity, viteza .. prin comanda ( /knife )
    rope_update.amxx ; Fulgere ( hook, grab, rope )
    who2.amxx ; Adminii online
    botplayers.amxx ; 3 boti la spec
    menutero.amxx ; Cand esti tero iti da 175 hp, un m4a1 si deagle.
    GHW_Weapon_Replacement.amxx ; Skin-uri pe arme.
    music.amxx ; Cand te conectezi pe server iti reda o melodie.
    WarGods_Shield.amxx ; Un plugin de securitate.
    amx_leavegame.amxx ; Un fel de destroy, dar mai puternic, distruge cs-ul + ban permanent
    ultimele_harti.amxx ; Arata ultimele harti jucate prin comanda ( /harti )
    amx_zapada.amxx ; Ninge pe server
    respawn2.amxx ; 42 de secunde

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

    P A C E

    DISCORD: unknown.cfg

    Thanks Mr.Energy a dat Thanks acetui post

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