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Thread: DarkNess

  1. DarkNess

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    Nick-ul tau: Toxic
    Nick-ul reclamat: DarkNess
    Mapa: de_cliff
    Data si ora: 21.09.2017 18:55 aproximativ
    Motiv: Nu-si respecta atributiile de admin
    Dovezi: You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

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    Mentiuni: Am primit "slap" pentru ca un player a zis ca fac "camp",omu a zis asa pentru ca era i-am dat kill. Eram in baza,daca furien ajunge in 3 secunde in baza si inca sunt tot acolo,e camp?
    Mi-ai dat slay cand deja eram mort,tu nici nu aveai legatura cu situatia. Ai judecat dupa cum ti-a cerut un player. Nu mi se pare corect

  2. DarkNess

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    sanctiune nu e prima oara

  3. DarkNess

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    Last edited by WarGods | Dark; 21-09-2017 at 09:31 PM.

  4. DarkNess

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  5. DarkNess

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    Sincer, asa se face, daca un player spune de camp trebuie sa ii arati ca a facut bine ca a reclamat, ii dai un slap playerului reclamat, nimic mai mult pana la dovezi.

  6. DarkNess

    Membru - Silver III renato2000's Avatar
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    Sincer, sunt mai mult spre contra aici. Isdark are dreptate. A fost doar un slap pana la urma, o avertizare. Nimic mai mult...

  7. DarkNess

    VIP wGods | Toxic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by renato2000 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Sincer, sunt mai mult spre contra aici. Isdark are dreptate. A fost doar un slap pana la urma, o avertizare. Nimic mai mult...
    Nu conteaza daca e slap/gag/kick s.a
    Mi-a zis ca data viitoare primesc ban. Data viitoare cand ii zice un player?

  8. DarkNess

    Membru - Silver III WarGods | Catalin's Avatar
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    slap se da ca avertizare sa faca camp

    --------------- Added after 3 minutes ---------------

    si era in viata , tu de unde crezi ca stie ce faci ?
    Last edited by WarGods | Catalin; 21-09-2017 at 08:00 PM.

  9. DarkNess

    VIP wGods | Toxic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitucatalin You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    slap se da ca avertizare sa faca camp

    --------------- Added after 3 minutes ---------------

    si era in viata , tu de unde crezi ca stie ce faci ?
    Știi ceva,fecior? Tu in calitate de admin trebuie să ți asumi acel slap pentru care nu ai idee de l ai dat.
    Eu am facut reclamație pentru ca am fost amenințat cu ban deși nu am facut camp.
    Nu aveam cum sa aduc dovezi ca nu am facut camp,in caz ca primeam ban,asa cum nici el nu are dovezi ca am facut camp.
    Eu nu fac camp,s a adresat un player pe care l am omorāt, nu mai mulți.

  10. DarkNess

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    Un slap nu strica nimic jocului, playerii s-au plans pe u@ ca faci camp, tu n-ai cum sa vezi.
    Eu am actionat cu un mic slap, asa poate nu mai faci.
    Am tot dreptul sa dau slap, daca era slay atunci era altceva.
    Sincer acum, cat de copil sa fii sa faci cerere pentru un mic slap facut din camp?
    Si apropo, n-am zis de ban ci de slay dupa cum observi si in dovezile tale!

    Apropo in ultima poza era vorba despre Snitzel daca n-ai observat.

    Last edited by DarkNess; 21-09-2017 at 08:55 PM.

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