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    VIP wGods | Toxic's Avatar
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    Salut! Rog pe WIck, Tiger sau cine se ocupa cu aceaste modificari, sa treaca aceasta pagina urmatoarele comenzi:
    1. Pentru lasere scrieti in consola bind v +punelaser si bind x +scoatelaser
    2. Scrieti /class pentru a alege o clasa de zombie
    3. Scrieti /zspawn pentru a reinvia zombie
    Avand in vedere ca sunt si playeri straini, se pot aduga si anunturi in engleza:
    1. For lasers write in the console bind v +setlaser and bind x +dellaser
    2. Write /class to choose a class of zombies
    3. Write /zspawn to spawn the zombies

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Daca trebuie neaparat un banner, voi incerca sa-l fac eu mai pe seara, eventual ma va ajuta un designer... daca ma intelegi unde bat, @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Thanks iSwearSheWas18 :O a dat Thanks acetui post
    Like Blue01, Sweat a dat Like acetui post

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    Membru - Silver Elite Master iSwearSheWas18 :O's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wGod|Toxic You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Salut! Rog pe WIck, Tiger sau cine se ocupa cu aceaste modificari, sa treaca aceasta pagina urmatoarele comenzi:
    1. Pentru lasere scrieti in consola bind v +punelaser si bind x +scoatelaser
    2. Scrieti /class pentru a alege o clasa de zombie
    3. Scrieti /zspawn pentru a reinvia zombie
    Avand in vedere ca sunt si playeri straini, se pot aduga si anunturi in engleza:
    1. For lasers write in the console bind v +setlaser and bind x +dellaser
    2. Write /class to choose a class of zombies
    3. Write /zspawn to spawn the zombies

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Daca trebuie neaparat un banner, voi incerca sa-l fac eu mai pe seara, eventual ma va ajuta un designer... daca ma intelegi unde bat, @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Sincer cu engleza e buna ideea ,chiar stiu 4-5 playeri din afara care au ajuns fideli sv ului )

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    Membru - Silver Elite Master Sweat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wGod|Toxic You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Salut! Rog pe WIck, Tiger sau cine se ocupa cu aceaste modificari, sa treaca aceasta pagina urmatoarele comenzi:
    1. Pentru lasere scrieti in consola bind v +punelaser si bind x +scoatelaser
    2. Scrieti /class pentru a alege o clasa de zombie
    3. Scrieti /zspawn pentru a reinvia zombie
    Avand in vedere ca sunt si playeri straini, se pot aduga si anunturi in engleza:
    1. For lasers write in the console bind v +setlaser and bind x +dellaser
    2. Write /class to choose a class of zombies
    3. Write /zspawn to spawn the zombies

    You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!

    Daca trebuie neaparat un banner, voi incerca sa-l fac eu mai pe seara, eventual ma va ajuta un designer... daca ma intelegi unde bat, @You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Da, te voi ajuta ca mare drag <3 butule-,-
    "History is not an empty page. We can not wipe with the sponge what happened in the past. We must try to understand what has happened and why, and at the same time learn some of these past experiences."
    Like jderull a dat Like acetui post

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    Administrator Tiger's Avatar
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    Comanda /help sau /lm nu merge? Vreti tocmai in MOTD sa adaug mesajul?

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    Membru - Silver Elite Master Sweat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiger You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Comanda /help sau /lm nu merge? Vreti tocmai in MOTD sa adaug mesajul?
    Cred ca ar fi destul de ok... s-a se adauge pe MOTD.
    "History is not an empty page. We can not wipe with the sponge what happened in the past. We must try to understand what has happened and why, and at the same time learn some of these past experiences."

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    VIP wGods | Toxic's Avatar
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    Ideea mea a fost pentru a mentine playerii pe server. Noi care jucam frecvent pe server ne intampinam cu diferite situatii in care playerii ies pentru ca nu stiu ce au de facut, in ciuda faptului ca le spunem pe chat. Devine frustrant cand vad ca ies playerii de pe server, desi ar juca daca ar sti ce au de facut... mai ales ca unii din ei sunt straini.
    Incerc prin aceasta propunere sa le oferim toate conditiile pentru a ramane pe joc... numai suntem in era in care avem nenumarati playeri.
    Este doar o propunere, nu-i nici o suparare daca v a fi respinsa.
    Like Blue01, ~TraNda~, Sweat a dat Like acetui post

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    Membru - Silver Elite Master Sweat's Avatar
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    Pana la urma se schimba sau nu ?
    "History is not an empty page. We can not wipe with the sponge what happened in the past. We must try to understand what has happened and why, and at the same time learn some of these past experiences."

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    VIP ~TraNda~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sweat You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Pana la urma se schimba sau nu ?
    Nu se va schimba.
    Dupa weekend voi modifica motd-ul /help si /lm sa fie pe intelesul tuturor, totodata voi adauga mesaje pentru a stii de acele comenzi

    TraNda - WarGods | R.R.M - AngeL - LiOn. - pichacku - Jok3r - UnicA

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