Pasul 1. Deschideti Minecraft
Pasul 2. Deschideti Task Manager ( CTRL + ALT + DELETE )
Pasul 3. Click dreapta pe Minecraft si selectati 'Go to process'


Pasul 4. Click dreapta pe javaw.exe -> Set Priority -> High
Pasul 5. Revenim in minecraft. Dam Options -> Video options
Pasul 6. Faceti setarile care le vedeti in imaginea de mai jos :

Zoom in (real dimensions: 861 x 517)Image

Pasul 7. Downloadam RamRush de aici -->> You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
Pasul 8. Il instalam.
Pasul 9. Jos , pe bara de lucru , avem langa ceas o sageata care ridica niste iconite si cu uTorrent ( exemplu ) , steam , etc. [ ce programe aveti deschise ]

Pasul 10. Aici avem si ramrush. Il deschidem si dam pe Start Optimise. Astfel programul ne va curata din RAM !