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  1. Reclamatie Joseph

    Membru - Silver II RobertIoan's Avatar
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    Reclamatie Joseph

    Nick-ul tau: numele cu care joci CS: Rg12GamingDz
    Varsta: vasta reala, nu minciuni :14
    Nick-ul reclamatului: Numele din CS a celui caruia doresti sa ii faci reclamatie :Joseph
    IP: ip-ul jucatorului reclamat : Joseph" 67 STEAM_0:0:439871338 1 14:09 28 0
    Ora si Data: ora si data cand s-au intamplat evenimentele 12:18
    Dovezi: copy-paste din consola , poze , demo etc. : You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Mentiuni: -
    • Cine nu respecta modelul i se va ignora reclamatia si i se va inchide!!

  2. Reclamatie Joseph

    VIP WarGods | aLinoX's Avatar
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    In primul rand , sa vina Yulian sa spună motivul .
    Si după vedem daca dau sau

  3. Reclamatie Joseph

    Membru - Silver II yulian5's Avatar
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    Ban-up a fost dat cu voteban si ai luat pe ip, initial eu i-am dat ban lui Alex, pt fk, arma la day etc.
    dovada cu fk You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account! , am dovada si cu arma la day, nu am mai postat o ca dura prea mult, daca e nevoie neaparat o postez si pe aia.
    Eu nu aveam cum sa stiu ca esti la varul tau, evident, asa ca dupa cum vezi, avand dovezile, i am dat ban, imi pare rau ca ai luat si tu avand in vedere ca noi chiar ne intelegeam.
    Sper ca ai inteles ce s a intamplat, sa ai o zi buna
    Edit: avand in vedere ca era la varul lui, aveau acelasi ip, si de asta cand a luat ban alex a luat instant si rg
    Like RobertIoan a dat Like acetui post

  4. Reclamatie Joseph

    VIP WarGods | aLinoX's Avatar
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    Intrebare: I-ai dat măcar un advertisment?

  5. Reclamatie Joseph

    Membru - Silver II RobertIoan's Avatar
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    Nu poate sa aiba doar el ban pe ID? Sau il banati pe Steam ID ! Daca merge =)

  6. Reclamatie Joseph

    Membru - Silver II yulian5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishu09 You have to register to be able to see this link. Register HERE! If you are already a member please log in! If you still you are not able to see the link you need to activate your account or an administrator need to activate your account!
    Intrebare: I-ai dat măcar un advertisment?
    Nu doar unul, 4.

  7. Reclamatie Joseph

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    A procedat bien Omul,nu mai asteptati pro sau contra,sa inchida wolf si sa respinga asta,e o porcarie de reclamatie,e vina varului tau ca a facut freekill ca ultimul ""Suntem family friendly"".

    Edit ca sa-ti raspund la itnrebare: Nu are rost sa se dea ban pe steam id daca omul e valver (Fara steam)
    Ay Pierre , you wanna come out here?
    Thanks yulian5 a dat Thanks acetui post

  8. Reclamatie Joseph

    ~Wolf~'s Avatar
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    Varul tau avea STEAM_ID_LAN , ceea ce l-a fortat pe admin sa dea ban pe ip.Data viitoare te rog sa-ti avertizezi chiar tu varul inainte de a intra pe server ce e corect si ce nu prezentandu-i regulamentul.Reclamatie inutila.
    Tutoriale C++: CLICK AICI
    Thanks yulian5 a dat Thanks acetui post

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